Why Vehicle Advertising

Why Vehicle Advertising?

High quality vinyl vehicle advertising is catching on across the country because it’s affordable and generates fantastic results. In addition, vinyl vehicle graphics:• Build strong brand recognition and awareness, reaching thousands of viewers at a lower cost per impression than any other form of advertising
• Are a lower cost alternative to custom paint jobs
• Can be removed when an advertising campaign ends or your lease expires – without any damage to the original paint
• Turn your car or fleet of vehicles into mobile billboards that command attention

At GO GRAPHIX, we help you to deliver your message in a unique and cost effective way to your target audience.

• Mobile advertising can be the most effective and efficient form of outdoor advertising, reaching more consumers at a lower cost per thousand impressions (CPM) than any other form of outdoor advertising.
• More than 95% of Americans are reached by media targeting vehicle drivers and passengers.
• One vehicle wrap can generate between 30,000 – 70,000 impressions daily.
• Fleet vehicle advertising boosts name recognition 15 times greater than any other form of advertising.
• 30% of mobile outdoor viewers indicate they would base a buying decision on the ad they see.